


  1. I have lost 37 pounds in the last two months. I was used to losing weight but not this much and to keep weight off is an extremely big deal for me.
  2. As far as clothes it’s amazing. Just the other day I put on jeans that I thought I would never be able to wear again. It’s been 4 plus years since I could put on a size 4x pants. I have been used to wearing 5s and 6x pants that it was kind of hard to believe.
  3. My overall feeling is different. I’m happier than ever before. Seeing those numbers drop every time I step on the scale is a breath of fresh air.


  1. Late night antics has been stripped from me. So one big effect is that you have to stop drinking afterward. I believe the carbonated drinks are a big no-no after the procedure. Although I’m not a big drinker. I’m still upset I don’t even get an option anymore. I’m only 21. Like I just became legal to do so. Now I can’t.
  2. The vomiting is a problem. Afterward, you have to worry about portion control. Too much over and you will vomit. As well as not much chewing will make you vomit. For me I know I’m used to finishing my food in .3 seconds. So getting used to eating each meal for at least 30 minutes has definitely been a con. Right now I can eat maybe half of the food if it was prepared on a small plate.
  3. Sometimes I don’t feel as accomplished like before. Literally, I can do nothing and lose 5 pounds. But before I went hard in the gym and lost weight and felt like I actually did something. Now it just feels like the doctors work.
  4. All the liquids can be a real hassle. As of now, I have to take in 80 ounces a day. The normal is 64 but for my size, I need at least 80 ounces a day. With the procedure, you have to sip smaller. So just attempting to sip 80 ounces is annoying. It feels impossible at times.


  I’m happy I had surgery. I often mentioned in other blogs how I hated my weight and this felt like my way out. Stepping on the scale and no longer seeing 400 is a big accomplishment. If you’re new then you wouldn’t know that my highest was 470 pounds. I lost 70 pounds before surgery. It took me a year to do so. Since surgery, I have lost 37 pounds in 3 months.

 Although eating and drinking is still something I have to get used to. It’s a process to this. I know over time the drinking and eating will eventually be no big deal. Once that’s under control I know the vomiting will stop.

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One response to “8 Week Post Op Gastric Sleeve: Pros, Cons & Conclusion”

  1. […] it’s great. I believe the first time I did a post like this was in July when I posted this 8 Week Post Op Pros, Cons & Conclusion. I mentioned in one of the cons that I suffered from vomiting. Not anymore. After a couple of […]

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